Miel Solutions LLC
  • Groundwater & Permit Consulting

    Miel Solutions helps your business avoid significant costs and unnecessary down time due to regulatory fines and permit noncompliance. 

  • Want High Quality, Transparent, and Affordable Specialists?

    Our hydrogeology expertise includes groundwater modeling, stormwater permitting, environmental regulation consulting, mapping services, and much more.

  • Get Free Consultations

    Initial consultations and project setup are always free. That means no risk and no obligation for you or your company.

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Project Management

Data Management

Scoping Documents

Cost Estimates

Team Management

Surface & Groundwater

ArcGIS & QGIS Mapping

Dynamic Simulation

Water Resource Planning

Groundwater Vistas & MODFLOW

Permitting & Regulation

Permit Applications

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans

Fieldwork Planning 

Pump Test Analysis

And much more!

Site Assessments

Aquifer Reviews

Well Log Data Analysis & Digitization

Technical Writing and Editing

Navigate US environmental permitting and regulatory requirements with efficiency and peace of mind

Are you an operator in need of technical support to navigate permitting and regulation compliance for emerging contaminants?

Per- and poly-flouroalkyl substances (PFAS) are the emerging contaminants that are already here. In fact, they are just about everywhere in our environment. Is your quarterly sampling plan in place?

Stay up to date on federal and state environmental regulations
Latest News and Information includes articles on permitting, regulation news, hydrogeology and other related topics. One of the costliest setbacks for a project is often one of the easiest to avoid (proper permits). Don't get caught off guard; know what permits your operations will need ahead of time.
Planning your PFAS sampling event

See a quick reference sheet for what you need to know before you plan a PFAS/PFOA field sampling effort.

Dynamic simulation helps create planning tools to ensure municipal water supply availability

Water utilities in Albuquerque, New Mexico and El Paso, Texas have ensured that their water supply resources can keep up with demands for years to come. Miel Solutions can use GoldSim and other dynamic simulation tools to help you, too, write your water resources plan to prepare for the future.

Professional Services

Desktop Studies

Site Assessments

Pre-feasibility Studies

Aquifer Reviews

Well Log Data Analysis

Regional Groundwater Assessments

Grant Writing

Permit Support

Permit Applications

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

Fieldwork Planning

Groundwater and Surface Water Testing Requirements

Pump Test Analysis

Project Management

Data Management

Scoping Documents

Cost Estimates

Team Management

Surface & Groundwater Services

ArcGIS & QGIS Mapping

 Dynamic Simulation

Water Resource Planning

Groundwater Vistas & MODFLOW

Is Miel Solutions Right for Me?

Government Agencies

If you are a municipal or state agency looking for a desktop study on any variety of hydrogeological topics, we can write the report you need - within budget and on time.

Consulting Firms

Are you short-staffed? Hiring a contractor can help you fill gaps in staffing and technical tasks that are needed to meet project deadlines. Contact us to find out how we can assist.

Small Operators 

Are you struggling to understand new regulations and what they mean for your company? Let us help with permits and applications needed to keep you running.

Individuals & Groups 

Do you have questions about surface water, groundwater, or wells? We offer a zero-pressure, open-dialogue approach to help you find practical solutions. 

Why Choose Miel Solutions?

We use our network of professionals and partnered consulting firms to help your business avoid significant costs and unnecessary down time due to regulatory fines and permit noncompliance.

Fast Response Times

Being a small business means we get back to you within 48 hours.

Competitive Rates

For experienced and high-quality work that you will receive, we offer the best rates in the industry.

High Quality

Every client matters. That's why each project is dealt a high level of quality and attention to detail. With over a decade of experience, we can bring you reliable results.

A Vision Forward

You won't be blind-sided by new regulations set forth by EPA and state Environmental Departments, especially regarding PFAS testing requirements.

Helpful Links

Sign up for a free consultation

Don't overpay for consulting services

Miel Solutions' experience coupled with very competitive rates cannot be beat.

Initial consultation and project setup are always free.

Contact me for a rate schedule applicable to your specific project.

 Client Testimonials

Helpful Resources

EPA's SWPPP Template

A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for all industrial and commercial sites compliant with NPDES. The updated MSGP guideline went into effect March 1, 2021. Download the SWPPP (Microsoft Word document) template below. To learn more about the 2021 MSGP, read the article in Latest News and Information.

If you need help completing the template, please reach out to me via the contact form. I'm happy to help.

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  • Please send me my free 'PFAS Regulations and Sampling Reference Sheet' today.

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